Silver Award received for the Best E-Commerce Agency


The British Interactive Media Association represents a community of business, charities and academia across the UK and drives innovation through knowledge sharing, showcasing best practice and developing talent. As part of their mission, BIMA celebrates the 100 most influential people in the digital and tech industry right now, where our CEO has been selected as a member of the judging panel. 

This membership allows The Commerce Team Global to connect to a vibrant network and gain industry insights from like-minded peers who are driving the future of digital. This step endorses our commitment to provide the best-in-class services for our clients through the adoption of the latest technologies and deep understanding of the online commerce and delivery.  

If you are looking for specialists who provide solutions to your ecommerce challenges and requirements, get in touch at

Below Are Some of The Ways Live Stream Shopping Can Affect eCommerce:

1. Enhanced Customer Engagement: Live stream shopping allows for real-time interaction between hosts, influencers, or brand representatives and their audience. This interactive nature makes the shopping experience more engaging and personal, fostering a sense of community and trust between customers and brands. 

2. Impulse Buying and Limited-Time Deals: Live stream shopping events often feature exclusive deals and limited-time offers, creating a sense of urgency among viewers. This can lead to increased impulse buying and higher conversion rates compared to traditional eCommerce methods. 

3. Social Media Integration: Many live stream shopping platforms are integrated with popular social media networks, allowing viewers to discover products while scrolling through their feeds. This seamless integration blurs the lines between content consumption and shopping, making it more convenient for users to make purchases directly from the live stream.

4. Influencer Marketing: Live stream shopping has become a powerful tool for influencer marketing. Influencers can showcase products in a more dynamic way through live broadcasts, tapping into their existing audience's trust and credibility to drive sales.

5. Influencer Marketing: Live stream shopping has become a powerful tool for influencer marketing. Influencers can showcase products in a more dynamic way through live broadcasts, tapping into their existing audience's trust and credibility to drive sales. 

For our news and views

For our news and views

Below Are Some of The Ways Live Stream Shopping Can Affect eCommerce:

1. Enhanced Customer Engagement: Live stream shopping allows for real-time interaction between hosts, influencers, or brand representatives and their audience. This interactive nature makes the shopping experience more engaging and personal, fostering a sense of community and trust between customers and brands. 

2. Impulse Buying and Limited-Time Deals: Live stream shopping events often feature exclusive deals and limited-time offers, creating a sense of urgency among viewers. This can lead to increased impulse buying and higher conversion rates compared to traditional eCommerce methods. 

3. Social Media Integration: Many live stream shopping platforms are integrated with popular social media networks, allowing viewers to discover products while scrolling through their feeds. This seamless integration blurs the lines between content consumption and shopping, making it more convenient for users to make purchases directly from the live stream.

4. Influencer Marketing: Live stream shopping has become a powerful tool for influencer marketing. Influencers can showcase products in a more dynamic way through live broadcasts, tapping into their existing audience's trust and credibility to drive sales.

5. Influencer Marketing: Live stream shopping has become a powerful tool for influencer marketing. Influencers can showcase products in a more dynamic way through live broadcasts, tapping into their existing audience's trust and credibility to drive sales.